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Schools, universities & training
How might changes in student visa provision affect UK immigration levels?
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Crime & policing
How did levels of UK hate crime change during and after Covid-19?
Schools, universities & training
Generation Covid: how is the pandemic affecting the young?
Banks & financial markets
Will the Edinburgh Reforms help to boost UK consumer spending?
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Schools, universities & training
How has Covid-19 affected inequalities between state and private schools?
Schools, universities & training
How can education and skills contribute to levelling up?
Schools, universities & training
How might teacher shortages be reduced?
Energy & climate change
Levies on energy profits: can they solve the UK’s cost of living crisis?
Energy & climate change
How can home energy efficiency improvements help us reach net zero?
Schools, universities & training
US student debt forgiveness: should the UK follow suit?
Schools, universities & training